This starter kit focuses on the simplest vitamin protocol for Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) patients. It contains our popular calcium citrate soft chews, a CelebrateONE multivitamin that requires only one dose per day and our super convenient ™GOSTAK SUPPLEMENT STORAGE BOX. All products in this set are also available separately under the respective nutrient section.
With our CelebrateONE you can choose between chewable tablets and capsules, as well as different iron dosages.
CelebrateONE = no iron
CelebrateONE18 =18 mg iron
CelebrateONE45 = 45 mg iron
Assemble your starter kit according to the specifications of your bariatric center or doctor, or give us a call!
CelebrateONE, CelebrateONE18, CelebrateONE45: